Things to do in September
Start clearing autumn debris
Move evergreen shrubs and stop feeding trees and shrubs in containers
Divide overgrown perennials
Harvest marrows and the last of your courgettes
Lift the maincrop potatoes
Plant out spring cabbage and sow winter lettuce
Continue to harvest apples and pears
Pick autumn-fruiting raspberries
From “Gardening Through the Year” by Ian Spence
Vegetables and Herbs
Cut down asparagus foliage
Harvest the last of the globe artichokes
Pick marrows, pumpkins and squashes – leave them to dry off and ripen before storing in a cool, dark place
Begin lifting root vegetables for storing – beetroot, carrots and turnips can be lifted and stored but parsnips are best left in the ground
Lift maincrop potatoes
Lift and dry onions
Sow a winter variety of lettuce
Plant garlic
Plant out spring cabbages sown last month
Earth up trench grown celery for the final time
Plant autumn onion sets
From “Gardening Through the Year” by Ian Spence