Things to do in October
Rake up fallen leaves and pile them up to make leafmould
Finish planting evergreen shrubs and take hardwood cuttings from all shrubs and fruit bushes you wish to propagate
Collect berries from trees and shrubs for seed-sowing
Plant new climbers, perennials, and lily and tulip bulbs
Cut down the tops of perennial vegetables
Lift and divide rhubarb
Fix grease bands to apple and pear tree trunks to catch insects that crawl up them
Insulate your greenhouse and check your greenhouse heaters work
Make early plantings of broad beans for next year
From “Gardening Through the Year” by Ian Spence
Vegetables and Herbs
Cut down the tops of Jerusalem artichokes
Cut down asparagus fern now that it has turned yellow
As soon as the ground is cleared, dig over if necessary
Dig in green manure crops or manure
Cover some ground with polythene to keep the worst of the rain off and enable early sowing next year
Pick the last of the runner beans
Finish lifting maincrop potatoes – dry them before they are stored
Continue lifting carrots and beetroot for storing
Plant out spring cabbages if this was not done last month
Finish planting autumn onion sets
Plant garlic if you didnÂ’t do it last month
Sow broad beans outside and cover with cloches
Remove yellowing leaves from Brussels sprouts and other winter brassicas such as cabbages, cauliflowers, and broccoli
Prepare a bed for planting asparagus in the spring
Lift parsley and mint for winter use
Harvest basil leaves and freeze in ice-cube trays topped up with water
From “Gardening Through the Year” by Ian Spence