What we do
Most SCGP activities hibernate during December and January when people are busy doing other things and the weather is likely to be at its worst. Green Volunteers and the Family Programme resume in February and the Smelly Welly Club gets going again in time for the Easter holidays.

Corporate workdays and employee volunteering
We are keen to run more corporate workdays at our site in Shettleston through which we can provide:
* a novel and memorable day's volunteering for up to 20 people
* team building and development opportunities
* guided tour of our award-winning community garden and allotment site
* information on the history, development and future plans of our project
* risk assessment and health and safety provision
* training and supervision while on site
* on-site briefing for the day's task or project
* lunch and refreshments
Examples of what you and your colleagues could help us with: woodworking, gardening, miscellaneous repairs, landscaping, construction and special projects (e.g. creating a wildlife pond).
See some volunteers in action in a previous project (building a path in our community garden).
Previous experience is not necessary.
Some comments from Marks & Spencer staff who participate in employee volunteer days
"I have really enjoyed working in partnership with the Growing Project. It is great to see how far they have come from the wasteland to start with, to where they are now. All members of the community are welcomed in a friendly manner and get involved which is nice to see some positive community spirit. A really worthwhile cause, a great day volunteering and a brilliant team building experience for our staff." David
"I really enjoyed my time at the Growing Project. Working with some of the people who use the project gave me an insight on how the project helps people. Its also great seeing the kids coming in and being so passionate about what they do and it’s somewhere safe to go." Lisa
"I enjoyed my day at the Growing Project. I enjoyed learning about all the interesting things that the do with recycling nettles and other things they make with different objects. The staff are really nice and I would go and help out again." P Stewart
"A most enjoyable day! The project is very good for the local community and even the kids seem to be very involved. I enjoyed talking to the fella who grew the gooseberries at the far end. It was interesting and I also enjoyed the other aspect of doing different things." John W
"I loved the Growing Project very much and enjoyed helping out. I think it benefits the community as it helps people come together and get out of the house to get fresh air and help a good cause. It was also good to get an opportunity to spend time with colleagues away from the store. I got to know some staff from other departments.” Michelle Mc
Special Events
The SCGP’s main event of the year is our Family Fun Day, which takes place on the Sunday before the schools go back after the summer holidays. The FFD is run in partnership with Shettleston Housing Association and, thanks to donations from the Association and other generous sponsors, all attractions are free of charge. The 2015 event attracted over 300 visitors and numbers have increased every year.
We celebrate National Volunteer Week each June by inviting all our volunteers to a Big Lunch to thank them for their efforts.
In March 2015 the SCGP held the Big Shettleston Sleepover to raise awareness of fuel poverty and to raise money to help those affected by it. 40 adults and children slept out overnight on the project site - in freezing conditions - and raised over £2,500 for their efforts.
SCGP Families Programme
Why should the kids have all the fun?! Launched in autumn 2015, our Families Programme enables whole families to get involved in growing, volunteering, cooking, arts and crafts, trips, expeditions etc. The idea came from some parents of Smelly Welly Club members who saw how much fun their children were having and wanted to join in. Family Programme activities take place on Saturdays and are great way of spending quality time with the children – you’ll be amazed at what they can teach you!
Volunteering opportunities - Green Volunteer Programme
Our Green Volunteer Programme enables people of all ages and abilities to get involved in gardening, grounds maintenance and conservation activities on the SCGP site and elsewhere in the local area. If you would like to get to take part in healthy, outdoor activities but don’t fancy becoming a plot-holder this might be for you. Green Volunteer sessions take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays for most of the year, only taking a break in December and January. An experienced leader is always on hand to direct the work and to provide on the job training and there are also opportunities to take part in more structured training events that we run at various times in the year.
The Green Volunteer programme is a great way of getting fit, making new friends and learning new skills, while doing something worthwhile to improve the local area. Volunteering can also help people gain valuable experience and knowledge that might lead to employment opportunities or further education.
The SCGP is very proud to have won a Volunteer Friendly Award for its work with volunteers.
Activities for children and young people – Smelly Welly Club
Children aged 8 to 12 are welcome to join the Smelly Welly Club, our dedicated children’s wing. The SWC gives young people the opportunity to get involved in healthy outdoor activities and offers a mixture of food growing, cooking, arts and crafts, practical conservation work, games, bush-craft, trips and lots more. The SWC meets as an after-school club during term time (until the clocks go back each October, resuming in April) and as a holiday club during the Easter, summer and October break. Sessions are delivered by qualified and PVG checked youth workers.
The SCGP also welcomes secondary school age young people, enabling them to get involved in volunteering, taking part in award schemes like the John Muir Award or the Duke of Edinburgh Award and enjoying a range of interesting outdoor activities.
Grow vegetables and fruit
The 2071 square metre site consists of over 50 raised beds for individual and group use. The beds are ideal for food growing in urban areas where ground contamination prevents direct digging into the soil and are perfect for people new to gardening. A huge variety of produce can be grown in these spaces and our members have successfully sown, grown, harvested and eaten everything from peas, beans and carrots to garlic, pumpkins and sweet corn. The site also has greenhouse spaces and a poly-tunnel for growing less hardy plants like tomatoes or aubergines and for potting on seedlings.
People sign up for plots and become members of the SCGP every February but there are usually opportunities to get involved at other times during the year.