Get involved

Our site is located east of Glasgow, in the heart of Shettleston.

Turn south off Shettleston Road (A89), onto S Chester Street. Follow this road; it will become Eckford Street - our site is located where Eckford Street meets Dalness Street and Ardgay Street.

Come visit us!


Membership of the SCGP costs a one-off fee of £1 and is open to:

* Plotholders of the SCGP

* Volunteers

* Anybody aged 16 and over (or any organisation) from the local area who has an interest in the purposes of the SCGP and can make a positive contribution to its work

* Any other category of individual, or organisation as may be approved by the members

If you wish to become a plot-holder, spaces are allocated in February and there is a yearly rental fee of around £20, which includes the membership fee. Depending on availability it is often possible to sign up at other times of the year also.

For more information about joining the SCGP, becoming a plot-holder or a Volunteer, contact the Project Co-ordinator, Kenny McCubbin on 0141 763 0511 or 07879 333846.

To join the Smelly Welly Club or the Families Programme, contact the Children and Families Worker, Thomas Malone on 0141 763 0511 or 07530 985483


For enquiries about any SCGP matter, contact the Project Co-ordinator 
 Kenny McCubbin

                                                                                                                        Mob: 07879 333 846 (Kenny)


Kenny fixing wheelbarrow

Write to us at our postal address: Shettleston Community Growing Project, 65 Pettigrew Street, Shettleston, Glasgow G32 7XR

Find us at our allotment and community garden site: Shettleston Community Growing Project, 68 Eckford Street, Shettleston, Glasgow G32 7AR

The SCGP runs a Tool Re-use Scheme that aims to find good homes for unwanted but usable gardening tools and materials. Contact us for information on how to donate your surplus spades etc.
